June 1st, 2024

3328 km

$500 per team
The Event
As an employer of hard working trades people and an active member in our community, we have an awareness of our responsibility for personal health, the health of our staff and the health of those around us.
This summer our company is going to bike, run and walk the whole distance of the Tour de France while commuting to sites, on weekend family outings or just for keeping fit.

The idea being that an organised, focused and competitive event like this will create improved fitness, team building and make some money for charity.
We are also a group that thrives on some positive competition… so if you think that you can get a team together then we ask you to join this competition.
Feel free to pass the invite along to any of your colleagues that may be interested as we want to get a lively competition followed by a generous donation.
The Rules
Run, bike or walk the length of the Tour de France – 3328 km
Team Size
Maximum of 10 competitors per team.
Strava is the tracking application of choice for the event, and It’s free!

The Details
Teams can be made up of more than one company and can be made up of friend groups. We don’t want to create too many rules and operate under the understanding of general fairness.
Each team enlists a captain who starts a Strava group and invites their teammates to record each trip. Every week the captain screenshots the group total and shares with us on the Trades de France Whatsapp chat, we then post back to the group as we race to the finish line as a team.
Team members must be registered in the registration form as ‘Member Name (Strava Name/Handle)’.
The use of ebikes, escooters, and hoverboards is not permitted.
The event starts on June 1st and is finished as soon as the first team breaks that ribbon.
Register Your Team

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